guiding and guarding

Guiding and Guarding

Florida charter captain committed to keeping kids safe

The 23-foot Sea Pro bay boat turned sharply starboard and Capt. Mark Gore instinctively reached across and braced my left knee to keep me from slipping off the leaning post.

I knew the inertial shift was coming. My friend of 20-plus years knew that I knew.

Still, he ensured his passengerโ€™s safety.

Itโ€™s in him โ€” a mindset to serve and protect that has fueled two decades of inshore guiding and recently landed him in what he views as his most important role, outside of his own family.

The 55-year-old Tampa native served multiple years in the United States Marine Corps, followed by private contract work. Heโ€™d later spend nine years with Hernando County Fire Rescue.

In October, 2023, Gore summoned his lifeโ€™s collective experiences and accepted a job as a Guardian at a Hillsborough County school.

โ€œI never thought, at my age, I could make a difference and I feel like I have,โ€ Gore said.

On the water, heโ€™s prepared to capitalize on the best scenarios. In the hallways, heโ€™s prepared to confront the worst. The common thread: keeping kids safe and happy.

Now, thatโ€™s a nice lead. A fair summary thatโ€™s not too heavy and easily digestible.

But the soft start was intentional. Kinda like dipping your toes into the creek for an acclimating introduction before wading into the deep water.

Fair warning: Weโ€™re gonna wade into some pretty deep water here shortly.


Guiding and Guarding

For starters, Gore serves in whatโ€™s known as the Chris Hixon, Coach Aaron Feis, and Coach Scott Beigel Guardian Program. Named to honor those who gave their lives during the 2018 mass shooting at Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School in Parkland, Florida, the program places highly trained, armed personnel in public schools.

Often coming from military and law enforcement backgrounds, program applicants train with local Sheriff departments, but they hold no arrest authority. The Guardianโ€™s role: to prevent or abate an active assailant incident.

Now, weโ€™ve already introduced a pretty heavy topic not commonly found in a fishing tale. But stay with us. The clear connection comes from a common thread woven into the fabric of Goreโ€™s being.

See, along with his private charter service, Gore also participates in Tampa-based Florida Fantasy Fishing Camp, which blends fishing skill instruction with that rod-bending action. It takes a certain temperament to work with kids and not to oversimplify, but it really comes down to compassion.

Consider this: While heโ€™s not tasked with student behavior issues, Gore takes a proactive approach to seeking positive interactions. Guardian positions exist at all grade levels, but he prefers his current elementary school post.

โ€œI think you can have a greater affect on them growing up,โ€ Gore said. โ€œItโ€™s like on my boat, I have an affect on how they see the outdoors.

โ€œIn the school, I have these students that you can tell, man, theyโ€™re not problem kids; they just want someone to love them. Some of them might have (various problems at home), so I try to be there to listen to them.โ€

Entering those deep waters now.


Guiding and Guarding

When it comes to societyโ€™s most precious treasureโ€”childrenโ€”the term โ€œgray areaโ€ does not exist. There is an ink black line, and itโ€™s not a thin line thatโ€™s easily misread, confused, misunderstood.

This broad, clear boundary was drawn with a conscience-carved clarity that conveys absolute certainty.

DO NOT HARM CHILDREN. Do not even threaten the act.

The extensive Guardian training ensures both the ability and conviction to uphold this universally uniting principle. Gore recalls being pushed pretty hard, but he relished the proving process.

Cardio, marksmanship, threat assessmentโ€”would-be Guardians must demonstrate their aptitude and ability in these and other measurements. All critical details, but Gore said his training instructors dug deep to determine the absolute critical detail.

Are you prepared to โ€œgo there?โ€

We know what that means. Itโ€™s that defining moment these noblest of professionals train for, but the one they but pray never occurs.

Guardians play a complimentary role to school administrators and security personnel, who handle student disputes and the day-to-day concerns. Goreโ€™s prime directive positions him as the first line of defense should a potentially violent threat materialize.

With the fullest respect for each professional serving anywhere within the educational system, not everyoneโ€™s wired to confront the face of pure evil. Some may argue mental illness and, having seen many fellow veterans struggle with challenges for which they cannot be faulted, Gore maintains enormous sensitivity for those who simply need help.

Mental illness and evil are not the same thing.


Guiding and Guarding

The man who, at 55, can still pancake a 10-foot castnet, walk a full school day with the appropriate gear and hold his own on the jiu-jitsu mat, struggles to get these next words out.

โ€œHow someone can harm a childโ€ฆโ€

We stand in mutual silence for nearly a minute.

Goreโ€™s words yield to a clearly painful thought that leaves him blinking through encroaching tears and shaking his head as he stares into the middle distance.

No need to glorify, dramatize, or downplay the finality of lethal force, but it has to be stated clearly. Those who would brazenly boast of such actions are not suited for the responsibility.

Factually stated, Mark Goreโ€™s not someone you want mad at you; but the vast majority of people he encounters quickly find heโ€™s the kindest, friendliest, most respectful person youโ€™d ever want to meet.

Thatโ€™s what people who stay on the right side of that big black line get.

The other side of that line doesnโ€™t end well. It simply must end.

Not everyoneโ€™s okay with such statements. Itโ€™s a hard concept to reconcile. But weighed against potentially losing a young life to unspeakable tragedy, itโ€™s not up for debate.


Guiding and Guarding

Gore said he saw Guardian instructors ultimately declining some incredibly capable trainees because one or both parties were uncertain of the individualโ€™s ability and/or willingness to make that ultimate decision.

Daily life brings no lack of struggles, stress, challenges, and conflict. Often, a level-headed professional with the right mix of authoritative presence and sincere patience can diffuse what typically amounts to a perfect storm of human emotions.

Cooler heads, understanding voices. A lot of people just need someone to listen to them for a few minutes.

But to think that the kindness strategy works on the type of mind-twisting malevolence that would direct violence toward the innocentโ€”thatโ€™s a dangerous naivetรฉ that Gore and his fellow Guardians will not tolerate.

I asked my friend a couple of poignant questions and his brief responses speak volumes.

Q: If you retire from your position as a Hillsborough County Guardian without ever drawing your weapon, how would you feel?

Gore replies, with a hint of desired relief, โ€œFantastic.โ€

Q: If you ever have to do so, how would you feel?

With zero hesitation, he firmly states: โ€œJustified.โ€


Guiding and Guarding

Letโ€™s bring this full circle with the relevant perspective. Every child that steps aboard Goreโ€™s boat gets a friendly greeting and immediately falls under his capable care.

โ€œIn your mind, youโ€™re thinking you just hope they catch some fish, but really and truly, you have so much more responsibility,โ€ Gore said. โ€œIt doesnโ€™t matter how (an accident) happens to one of those kids, itโ€™s life changingโ€”and not just for that family, but for you.โ€

Gore traces his protective instincts to raising a son and a daughter, both now adults.

โ€œIโ€™ve always been over-cautious with my kids, so in my head, I treat these kids (on my boat) as if they were my own,โ€ he said. โ€œThatโ€™s the way you have to look at it, otherwise, what are you doing?โ€

Gore carries that same commitment into his work as a school Guardian. Just as heโ€™s ever diligent to keep young anglers far from hooks, fishing knives and sharp teeth, heโ€™s equally concerned with ensuring students never fall under dangerโ€™s shadow.

โ€œWe canโ€™t have any hesitation, because hesitation will cost lives,โ€ he said.

Goreโ€™s voice breaks: โ€œYou have to be willing to sacrifice everything you haveโ€ฆ

Another silent pause.

He drops to a struggling whisper now and barely gets through this next soul-piercing statement: โ€œโ€ฆeven not ever seeing your kids again.

โ€œYou have to do it, because (a school shooter) is there to make a statement and, if you donโ€™t (take action), they will.โ€

Red skies at night, sailorโ€™s delight.
Red skies at morning, sailor take warning.

Goreโ€™s time on the water hasnโ€™t necessarily made him the man he is; you kinda have such constitution or you donโ€™t. However, navigating through every version of Floridaโ€™s fickle weather has, no doubt, heightened his awareness and cemented his appreciation for days when young anglers step off his boatโ€”never aware of the countless concerns he either avoided or quietly handled.

โ€œYou canโ€™t get complacent on the water because when you do, God throws a storm at you and youโ€™re like, โ€˜Just let me get to the ramp and Iโ€™ll never wait this long again,โ€™โ€ Gore said. โ€œIn the school, thatโ€™s what I want to doโ€”I want to come home. I want to send all those kids home.

โ€œI want everyone to be safe.โ€

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