Dominic Vricella and his New Jersey state record king mackerel


New Jersey: New Record King Mackerel

New Jersey Fish & Wildlife has officially certified the catch of a new state record saltwater fish.

Dominic Vricella was fishing east of the Manasquan Inlet where he landed the new state record king mackerel July 30, 2023. The fish weighed 67 pounds, 7.2 ounces, replacing the previous record of 54 pounds, 0 ounces, from 1998.

Dominic Vricella and his New Jersey state record king mackerel
New Jersey Fish & Wildlife

Vricella was trolling in his boat using a trolling rod and conventional reel with 20-pound braided line and a spoon for the lure when the new record king mackerel hit.

For more information on the New Jersey state record fish program, click here.