
Safe Boating Campaign Launches ‘Wear It For Them’ Awareness Initiative

The National Safe Boating Council, a national catalyst for recreational boating safety, has launched an awareness initiative to encourage all boaters to always wear a life jacket for themselves and everyone that depends on them. “Wear It For Them” is part of the NSBC’s Safe Boating Campaign, a worldwide effort focused on encouraging responsible boating practices.

Find Wear It For Them videos, ads, and more in the Safe Boating Campaign Resources library.

“We want boaters to understand the impact that their decisions on the water can have on others, especially those closest to them,” said Peg Phillips, executive director of the NSBC, the lead organization for the Safe Boating Campaign. “When you’re headed out on the water, don’t just wear a life jacket for you. Wear it … For her. For him. For them.”

Wear It For Them brings attention to boaters that when they wear a life jacket, they are making a conscious choice to protect themselves, and be responsible for the loved ones that count on them.

According to the 2022 U.S. Coast Guard statistics, drowning is the reported cause of death in 75 percent of boating fatalities. Of those fatal recreational boating accidents, 85 percent of drowning victims were not wearing a life jacket.

“The reality is wearing a life jacket is the simplest and most effective safety precaution any boater can take,” continued Phillips. “Don’t just wear a life jacket for you, but wear it for everyone that cares about you too.”

Wear It For Them will be represented in video, print, and social media outreach efforts. Follow along on safeboatingcampaign.com and on social media @boatingcampaign.

The NSBC’s program coordinator, Hunter Bland, had a close call during a fishing tournament when he and his partner were thrown from the boat due to a hydraulic steering malfunction.

“I know firsthand that during an emergency on the water, there’s not time to stop and put on a life jacket. Thankfully I was wearing a life jacket, and it truly saved my life. That day, I wore my life jacket for my fishing team, and today I continue to wear my life jacket for my wife and daughter,” said Bland.

The Safe Boating Campaign is produced under a grant from the Sport Fish Restoration and Boating Trust Fund, administered by the U.S. Coast Guard. The campaign offers a variety of free and paid resources to support local boating safety education efforts. Learn more at www.safeboatingcampaign.com.